Category Archives: Numerology Birth Date for Women
Numerological compatibility
Numerological relationship compatibility Woman and man – two different worlds, and to be together, they need more to comprehend each other and accept differences among themselves. Thanks tenderness, love and penetration into the world of each other, we can solve many problem situations. In real life, we enter into alliances, often facing away from what … Continue reading
Numerology Birth Date 6…9 for Women
Numerology Birth Date 6 for Women Outwardly, she seems unflappable, chilly and even alienated, but this hides a sensuality and sexuality. In his youth, often naive, sentimental and shy. As an adult, it is reasonable. Dreamy, has a great imagination and a high intuition. It may be soft, shy, modest, or seductive, flirtatious, playful. Its … Continue reading
Numerology Birth Date 1…5 for Women
Numerology Birth Date 1 for Women Self-confident and has a strong character, a woman chooses a man. She persisted in achieving goals. Tends to boss, but can not stand men who serve her every whim. She is stubborn and headstrong, but some men find pleasure in overcoming obstacles. Does not hide his emotions, but wants … Continue reading