Category Archives: Number Meaning
Number 16, Sixteen in numerology
Numerology – Number 16, Sixteen Consisting of numbers 1 and 6. Number 1 in numerology – a leader, an ambitious and successful win. implement their plans in life and does not suffer conflict. Characteristic of the mind, careful planning. It is the commander who leads submit unconditionally. Number 6 in turn granted a tendency to … Continue reading
Numerology – Number 15, Fifteen
Number 15, Fifteen in numerology In numerology this is the number 1 and number 5 connection. Number 1 is an ambitious, leader, smart and energetic, the number 5 is Mercury, planet of business and finance. This number amounts to 6 – very romantic number, the planet Venus, which affects love and relationships with the opposite … Continue reading
Number 14, Fourteen in numerology
Numerology – Number 14, Fourteen People of number 14 – they have three people in one person. Both numbers are contrary, but the amount – 5 – are quite different in nature, but a conflict that fact does not. Number 1 – it is the leader in numerology, short-tempered and ambitious, number 4 – very … Continue reading
Numerology – Number 13, Thirteen
Number 13, Thirteen in numerology Number 13 in numerology is a complex figure. It is seen as unfortunate, but it’s wrong, and this recognition is up in the bias. Number 1 and number 3 are very strong and mean a successful career. On that date, births are practical, good planners, vigorously and systematically implement their … Continue reading
Number 12, Twelve in numerology
Numerology – Number 12, Twelve Number 12 in numerology contains the number 1 is a bold figure, full of initiative, courage, ambition, and the driver necessary for positive attributes. These people have the intelligence, energy, and they are a bit like bulldozers. On the other hand, number 2 is a gentle, romantic dreamer, insecure, constantly … Continue reading
Numerology – Number 11, Eleven
Number 11, Eleven in numerology Number 11 in numerology is one of the most complex numbers in its components and the two-digit sum of the opposite. The number is cast two single persons, because it has twice the number 1 features, but this number is the sum of 2, which is diametrically opposed, so the … Continue reading
Number 10, Ten in numerology
Numerology – Number 10, Ten Number 10 in numerology is composed of ones and zeros. Zero reduces the impact of the previous figure. Therefore, it is poorly expressed in the number 1. These people are leaders, but less prevalent than number 1 (date 1st) of births. They possess all the properties of a figure, but … Continue reading
Numerology – Number 9, Nine
Number 9, Nine in numerology Number 9 in numerology – it is the planet Mars and number 9 people, by their nature are fighters. They are steadfast, meeting with fierce resistance, do not lose courage. This rigidity gives them the opportunity to complete ongoing. They are ambitious and, as for all the above, usually reach … Continue reading
Number 8, Eight in numerology
Numerology – Number 8, Eight Number 8 in numerology represents Saturn. Number 8 is the most complicated of all numbers. Looking at, we see that it consists of two circles and is divided into two parts, which means that the personality is split, and both parts are directly opposite each other, but are linked as … Continue reading
Number 7, Seven in Numerology
Numerology – Number 7, Seven Number 7 in numerology represents Neptune. Number 7 is a completely independent and to some extent similar to number 2, but there is much personal level and with a stronger character. 7th date of births in the nature of matter, in terms of character – individually and in terms of … Continue reading