Numerology of first name and last name

Numerology of first name and last name

Numerology and last name

Periodically in popular magazines and newspapers can be found articles about people who change their names and unexpectedly achieved unprecedented heights in their work and personal lives. Success, fame, wealth – that’s what brought them to change the name. Of course, the very thought that this name change was the cause of getting all of these benefits, many of us are skeptical. But inevitably, after reading articles like this one, almost everyone thinks: what would change if he had a completely different name? Perhaps you could become a different person: would be more prestigious work, other friends and loved ones .. And, perhaps, would be a very rich and famous?

According to the basic postulate of numerology, the given names are not just a means of identification and designation of relationships. Names through a certain number of fully reflect the destiny of man. The crucial role of the person’s name from the ancient times was recognized in all the world’s cultures and religions. In particular, the value of the name and repeatedly emphasized the numbers in the Bible.

Numerology also recognizes the fact that the names and numbers of people who make them, are hidden potential, possible experience, and certain tendencies. Science brings name to the numeric notation, which allows the ultimate goal and the particular nature of the support of the name.

The number of mental commitment

Is the inner essence of a person close to his heart and spirit of the dreams, hopes, desires, and the main motivation of certain actions. That number determines the spiritual aspirations of human life path has a significant impact on how his education and career, personal and family life.

Example calculation, 01/01/2012
Your number of spiritual yearnings – 6

You value harmony, strive for consensus, help others, if they so request. Your deepest desire – to love others and to feel reciprocal love. Of these people grow wonderful healers, spiritual teachers, counselors and mirotvartsy and artists. If you do not bring themselves to sentimentality, too deep to interfere in the lives of others and to impose on others their point of view, it quickly will win prestige, respect, and love.

The number of individual

Personality is the number of qualities that are hidden within each person. This is the motivation which drives us to seek certain goals, to make certain things. Individuality is there anything else like it silent “I”. Quite accurately be compared with the personality of a narrow neck of the vessel, which is human nature.
The number of individual – a kind of inspector, who checks the motives that we issue to heart and produce from it. This number can directly point to things or people that are close to human nature and spirit. It is determined by the number of individual first impression we make on others.

Example calculation, 01/01/2012
Your Personality number – 5

Efforts to accumulate as much experience and spiritual freedom. Strong desire to risk and adventure through free travel, unexpected situations and adventures.

The number of expressions

The number of full expression of the person’s name in the form as it appears in his birth certificate, says the expression of his own “I” in relation to all the world and people. Expression determines the number of mental and physical constitution, is a major landmark in the life of man. It is the nature of man, his personality and talents, character and temperament.
Today, quite often you can find numerology opinion that this number is a number of Fate, as it is an expression of the ultimate goal in life. After all, the expression determines the number of the very ultimate goal to which we aspire, sets the basic features of the human person.

You must use only the full name, which is recorded on the birth certificate. There are many cases when people change the name later. However, it should take just a full name that was originally given at birth. That it is a carrier of the strongest vibrations, which determine the whole future life of man. You can take both full name, comparing them with each vibration. In this case, the name originally given to you can send vibrations to the world, which are not fully understood by man.
In the event that you who adopted, it should also use only the full name that was given to you at birth. Even if your original name you never in this life are not used. Regardless of this fact, that it plays a major role, leaves a strong imprint on the personality of the person.

Example calculation, 01/01/2012
Your expression number – 11

You are inspired, you have a profound vision, you are original. Perceive higher vibrations. Very sensitive, especially, vulnerable, emotional. As a child, you had your fantasy world. Even as an adult, you can hardly distinguish fiction from reality. You act intuitively and can develop a great mental ability. Balanced people that rule of gifted insight and clairvoyance, and can pass on knowledge to others, and they may be the nature of the teachers in all areas. The main thing – to be able to repay a irritability, dishonesty and helplessness.