Ancient numerology

Ancient numbers and numerology

Ancient numbers and numerology

Number – a symbol that expresses an idea, an abstraction. Many scientists agree that there is any possible knowledge of the mind in abstract form. The figures also – this is a language of communication. We express our thoughts through language, based on numerical symbolism.

Carl Jung said that the number preceded by mind, and soon discovered a man, not invented. In his view, the numbers are probably the most primitive element of order in mind and subconsciously used as an organizing factor. The Pythagoreans believed that all things are numbers and their constituents are components of all things.
Over the centuries, some of were set higher than others. In different cultures, some number of esteemed sacred, and some – a dangerous, unhappy characters.

Thus, the numbers 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 40, 70 and 100 were considered sacred by many ancient peoples, and the most mysterious of them was the number 3. Perhaps the reason for this was that most of the great religions of the world based on the holy trinity, such as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in Hindu trinity whose mantra is “Aum”, the Christians – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In the Hindu Vedas, the numbers 3, 7, 21, 55, 77 and 99 are regarded as sacred. Number 99 is revered by the Arabs, because of their faith in God’s 99 names. The Persians worshiped 3 and 7, the Greeks and Romans believed that magical powers have 3, 9 and 12, the Celts preferred the 3 and 9, and the Slavs – 3, 9 and 7.
Below is a list of the knowledge that the ancient magicians credited with the first ten numbers.

One – a number close to God. The Egyptians in the hymns to Amon Ra or declaring that he – “single” or “only one”. For the Pythagoreans the number “one” is an expression of the Supreme God – an invisible and comprehensive. The Koran also says that “God – there is one God.” In astrology, a unit represented by the Sun.

Two – the perfect number, a symbol of duality, as well as man and woman. For some it is a sign of matter and the source of evil, but the ancients, by contrast, is often viewed it as a protective symbol. The Egyptians, for example, there was a lucky charm in the shape of two fingers. In astrology, this number corresponds to the moon.

Three – the number that symbolizes life, birth and death. This – the sign of the Epiphany (Holy Trinity). Like modern religion to recognize the ancient triad of deities in Babylonia – Anu, Ea and Bel, in Egypt – Isis, Horus and Osiris. In classical mythology, the number three met several times: the three Graces, three Harpies and three Gorgons, the three Furies. There were three kings who brought gifts to Jesus, and the three components of man – body, mind, and soul. In astrology, the number 3 corresponds to Jupiter.

Four – in Egypt, it meant the number of the four quarters of the earth and the four sons of Horus symbolized, as well as the four cardinal directions. In the Bible we find mention of the four Evangelists, the four beasts in Ezekiel, is there 4 anchors, 4 horns, 4 elements. Tetragrammathon – the holy name of God, consisting of 4 letters. In astrological terms, this number corresponds to Uranus.
Five – the ancient magicians saw the number of happy and holy. In the Bible, noted that God’s altar was five cubits long, and the same width. Victim of the world included five rams, goats and lambs. There were five foolish virgins and the same wise. Pentacle of Solomon, or pentagram, is composed of five rays, depicting a man with outstretched hands and legs. We – the five physical senses, the skull consists of five bones, moreover, we have the hands and feet with five toes. In astrological terms the number five corresponds to the Mercury.

Six – is regarded as one of the ideal number, since the world was created in six days. So much light at the Star of David, where each of them symbolizes one of the days of creation. Number of the Beast – 666 – in the past attributed to specific individuals or groups. Is under the control of Venus (under its influence, and gets a dove – a symbol of the United Nations).

Seven – the number of the most mystical of the top ten. Manifestations of it as a magic, and in religion so common that it is impossible to mention all – it’s invisible and it symbolizes the seven heavens, the planets, Pillars of Wisdom, grains spike, days, weeks, sacraments, deadly sins, the hills of Rome, the colors of the spectrum, the archangels , notes and the seven ages of man. In astrology, the number seven corresponds to Neptune.

Eight – a number that represents the two worlds: the material and spiritual. Means sorrow and limitation of anything. The ancients believed that it accompanies death and rock. In addition, it is – a symbol of justice as a blindfolded woman, who holds a sword in one hand, the edge upwards, and in the other – the balance. The Jews recognized the rite of circumcision on the eighth day after birth. There were 8 sects of the Pharisees. Noah was the eighth descendant of Adam. Occultists often include three eights to Jesus as the judge and the comforter of the world. This number is the opposite number of the beast of the Apocalypse (666). It is subject to Saturn.

Nine – another mystical number. Perhaps the most interesting feature is it that when multiplied by any other number and the addition of digits in the result is always a nine. He is considered a symbol of spiritual perfection. It symbolizes life and its struggles and success in the end indispensable. It is significant that the period of pregnancy in women lasts for nine months. Secret meaning of this number represents one of the greatest secrets of the occult. Nine expresses the indestructibility of matter and in this sense is a universal symbol of the underlying cause. In astrological terms is controlled by Mars.

Ten – the number of changes, being and nothingness. The symbolic is the fact that 10 consists of one and zero, one – a symbol of God’s existence, and zero represents the unmanifested matter, nothingness. Hebrews 10 revered as one of the secret numbers of God. Ten Commandments were 10 and 10 spheres of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. This number is associated with the Earth.
The symbolism of numbers all around us. Faith in their people because it was told from antiquity to the present day. The numbers will not only help reveal the nature of man, but also protect against unwanted troubles (if used in the preparation of amulets).