Numerology predictions in history

Numerology predictions in history

Numerology predictions in history

In contrast to predictions based on arbitrarily established a significant number, there are predictions that stem directly from a reference point when the numbers of a certain form of self-importance, the period. These numbers are added to the original date for the determination of significant subsequent years. Such an operation can be repeated, and in result is a whole chain of dates. For the people as its starting point is usually taken to their year of birth.

For example:

  • Napoleon I was born in 1769 (1 + 7 + 6 + 9 = 23)
  • Napoleon promoted to captain, founded the French Republic in 1792 (1769 +23)

How different were these events when they happen! And how interrelated they will be in future years!
This example is striking for the fact that at this point we are dealing with two types of vertical rows – recurrent and progressive. In a repeated vertical row is constantly used the same amount, manifesting itself as a significant number. In the progressive vertical row is formed by adding the new sum of numbers obtained by the date. We use the series as an example of Napoleon I, because they perfectly illustrate how these two sequences.

Repetitive series:

  • Napoleon I was born in 1769 (1 + 7 + 6 + 9 = 23)
  • Founded the French Republic in 1792 (1769 + 23)
  • Battle of Waterloo in 1815 (1792 + 23)

Progressive series:

  • Napoleon I was born in 1769 (1 + 7 + 6 + 9 = 23)
  • Napoleon promoted to captain in 1792 (1 + 7 + 9 + 2 = 19)
  • The birth of Napoleon II in 1811 (1792 + 19)

Note that each of the sequences completed the all-important year. If the French republic was not established, Napoleon would not have an emperor, but if he did not become an emperor, it would not have met his Waterloo. This is – a recurring phase of his life. As for the progressive series, then, only an officer, Napoleon was able to show his military genius, which made him emperor. As emperor, he wanted to found a dynasty Napoleon, which was possible only with the advent of an heir.

Because of Napoleon’s death in 1821, none of the sequences did not reach the next significant year. Progressive series ended a year later (1811 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1822). Indeed, this year could be important for Napoleon, he lived longer – for a long time plans were rescued Napoleon from St. Helena and smelters him to America. But he died before their implementation.

In addition to the birth, the basis can be taken and the other dates, which are added, forming a vertical row, in order to establish the event of equal significance.

Here are two examples of French history:

  • Came to the throne of Louis XVI in 1774 (1 + 7 + 7 + 4 = 19)
  • Death of Louis XVI in 1793 (1974 + 19)
  • Died son of Louis XVI in 1789 (1 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 25)
  • The ascent to the throne of Louis XVIII in 1814 (1789 + 25)

Here it is, of course, simple calculations, where a significant number do not form any recurring or progressive series. Naturally, this reduces their value, because the result can only be regarded as a mere coincidence. However, when the vertical rows of identical form combinations of their prophetic power increases.

So, if Louis-Philippe, the last king of France, and studied their significant numbers in the three individual sequences originating from a single point – the year of his sudden ascension to the throne, he could foresee the approaching catastrophe.

These sequences:

  • Louis Philippe became King of France in 1830
  • Born in 1773 (1 + 7 + 7 + 3 = 18)
  • Was overthrown in 1848 (1830 + 18)

It’s amazing really, but it also can be seen as a kind of coincidence, for the numerical sequence for the formation of such a result would have to be repeated more than once, as proof that he means something more than mere coincidence.

It was a repetition of what happened on the example of Napoleon III, the last emperor of France:

  • Napoleon III finally recognized as emperor of France in 1853
  • Born in 1808 (1 + 8 + 0 + 8 = 17)
  • Born Empress Eugenie (1826 = 1 + 8 + 2 + 6 = 17)
  • He married Eugenia in 1853 (1 + 8 + 5 + 3 = 17)
  • Was overthrown in 1870 (1853 + 17)

The remarkable similarity between these sequences! They are often cited as an example for several years, but then they were forgotten until 1926, when both the pretender to the French throne – a royal and imperial – died with a difference of a few days. This situation reminds of identical rows pertaining to the previous century. Then the question arose as to why these sequences do not appear prophetic now? But the fact of the matter is that they make themselves felt, but few paid any attention to it.

Back to basics. It was about two forms of the predictions of the vertical rows – repetitive and progressive. Both of these forms have been discovered long ago and have proven effective. Below is a look at how these series are evident in the lives of two rival and failed “Napoleons” XX century.

Benito Mussolini. Repetitive vertical row:

  • Born in 1883 (1 + 8 + 8 + 3 = 20)
  • Slacker Switzerland in 1903 (1883 + 20)
  • Supreme Dictator of Italy in 1923 (1903 + 20)
  • Mussolini’s overthrow in 1943 (1923 + 20)

Adolf Hitler. Progressive vertical row:

  • Born in 1889 (1 + 8 + 8 + 9 = 26)
  • Lance Corporal in the First World War in 1915 (1889 + 26) (1 + 9 + 1 + 5 = 16)
  • Formation of the Nazi Party in 1931 (1915 + 16) (1 + 9 + 3 + 1 = 14)
  • Hitler committed suicide in 1945 (1931 + 14)

Thus, at the beginning of World War II and after Mussolini joined forces with Hitler, any student of numerology, could make these two series over the years and to predict the fall of the two dictators, and the prediction would become more evident to the extent that as events turned against them. However, such a remarkable prediction still could not be presented as irrefutable.

Suppose that the defining series of Mussolini as repeating, due to the fact that he had acquired absolute power in 1923, we have also established a series of repetitive and Hitler, on the assumption that 1931 marked only the beginning of his ascent, but failure to reach all the power about which he really wanted. In this case, taking the sole basis of his year of birth, with a significant number of 26, we obtain the following series, 1889 + 26 = 1915 + 26 = 1941. 1941 turned out to be the year when it reached the summit of power, especially since the attack on Russia, and Japan’s entry as an ally of Germany during World War II.

Thus, both series were equally prescient and effective. In the example of Hitler’s next phase was to be repeated would only end in 1967 (1941 = 1967 – 26). This fact, oddly enough, had its value. In the 60s there were rumors that Hitler, like other known Nazis are still alive and hiding somewhere. Maybe he really lived until 1967, and died somewhere in obscurity, thus ending his recurring series.