Monthly Archives: September 2012

Number 13 Meaning

The symbolism of the number 13 Typically, the number 13 is considered unlucky, because in many countries, the figure is absent from the office door, hotel rooms, cabins ships, houses. This is due to the fact that this number is considered to be one greater than hypernatural dozen, and it is dangerous disharmony, explosion, too … Continue reading

Number 11 Meaning

The symbolism of the number 11 It was considered a sacred number, symbolizing a “duality in the use of power” (Mobius), which led to the clearance or spiritual consequences, or to destruction and chaos. This is due to the ambivalent nature of the number 11, based on the rejection of 10. Biblical meaning symbolism developed … Continue reading

Number 12 Meaning

The symbolism of the number 12 It was believed sverhsovershennoy number symbol “philosopher’s stone”, and completeness of the divine circle, rotating universe. Duodecimal structure of the universe, the presence of the number 12 in many of the realities of life and the religious and spiritual traditions observed by many researchers. So Losev, speaking of the … Continue reading

Number 10 Meaning

The symbolism of Number 10 (Decad) The esoteric meaning of the number ten is that it is continuing the course outlined by the number nine symbolizes the idea of ​​absolute perfection and a numeric completion, return to the source of all the single digits – one. Cornelius Agrippa said on this subject: “The number ten … Continue reading

Numerological compatibility

Numerological relationship compatibility Woman and man – two different worlds, and to be together, they need more to comprehend each other and accept differences among themselves. Thanks tenderness, love and penetration into the world of each other, we can solve many problem situations. In real life, we enter into alliances, often facing away from what … Continue reading

Numerology Birth Date 6…9 for Women

Numerology Birth Date 6 for Women Outwardly, she seems unflappable, chilly and even alienated, but this hides a sensuality and sexuality. In his youth, often naive, sentimental and shy. As an adult, it is reasonable. Dreamy, has a great imagination and a high intuition. It may be soft, shy, modest, or seductive, flirtatious, playful. Its … Continue reading

Number 0 Meaning

The number 0 Strictly speaking, from a metaphysical point of view, zero is not a number and is not related to the world of numbers. Zero is the source of all the numbers, understood as separate from the common grounds of force belonging to a different dimension indivisible. Metaphysical zero contains all the numbers as … Continue reading

Number 1 Meaning

The symbolism of the Number 1 (Monad) The esoteric meaning of the unit is not so much that it is the first element of the sequence of the natural numbers in terms of modern mathematics, but in the fact that it serves as a symbol of integrity and unity. In his divine aspect of the … Continue reading

Number 2 Meaning

The symbolism of the Number 2 (Douad) Esoteric symbolism of two is that it is a reflection of the first one and therefore symbolizes the one hand, the idea of ​​contrast, a single division, and on the other hand, consistency and uniformity of opposed forces, properties or concepts. In his divine aspect deuce embodies the … Continue reading

Number 3 Meaning

The symbolism of the Number 3 (Triad) The esoteric meaning of the triple is that it is representing the beginning of the synthesis, brings together and reconciles the conflict between the two extremes, including between one and two, and so is the first perfect odd number (for the unit, as has been said, do not … Continue reading